VPS のIP アドレスは、Conf ファイルでログイン情報として記述しますので、VPS コントロールパネルに表示される情報を解析する方法ではなく、Conf ファイルに記載されたIP アドレスからホスト名を取得するようになっています。
取得した情報は、メール本文にIP アドレスとともに記載され、複数のVPS を管理する際に間違いが起きにくいように役立てることができます。
ちなみに、設定ファイルの終わりに「$save_path = “../data/” . $ipaddress . “/”;」などとすると、複数のVPS のグラフデータをIP アドレス毎に分けて保存することができます(が、ホスト名は、設定ファイルが読み込まれた後に取得されるので、現在のところ、ディレクトリ名に使用できません)。
<?php /* ============================================== * * SAKURA Internet Resources Reporter * * for SAKURA VPS CONTROL PANEL * * ============================================== * License: GNU GPL * Code : PHP, UTF-8 * Auther : pc.casey.jp, 2013 * Version: * Ver.0.0.1 2013.03.17 1st. * Ver.0.0.2 2013.03.19 add hostname by ip address. * Ver.0.0.3 2013.03.19 add check and make dir. * Usage : * - shell * php /virtual/path/to/sakuravps.php * - cron * see sakuravps.sh file * - http (no recomend) * http://example.com/sakuravps.php */ /* ------------------------------------ * settings * ------------------------------------*/ // conf file $conf = dirname(__FILE__) . '/sakuravps.conf'; /* ---------------------------------- * define [do not change!] * ----------------------------------*/ // program version $version = "0.0.3"; // get start time $sTime = time(); // loggin page url $url = 'https://secure.sakura.ad.jp/vpscontrol/'; // dev $debug = false; /* ------------------------------------ * MAIN section * ------------------------------------*/ // start output header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK"); header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); // read config file if(file_exists($conf)){ require_once $conf; }else{ die('Can not load a configuration file'); } // program name $host_name = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : php_uname("n"); $program_name = "SAKURA Internet Resources Reporter "; $program_name .= "for SAKURA VPS CONTROL PANEL Ver."; $program_name .= $version . " on " . $host_name; $program_name .= " (C) https://pc.casey.jp , 2013"; // get date time //$date = date('Y/m/d H:i:s'); $file_date = date('Y-m-d_H-i-s'); // get data from sakura internet $saved_files = getData(); // saved files $mail_body .= "\n\nSaved Files:\n"; if($saved_files){ $mail_body .= implode("\n", $saved_files); if($double_save){ $mail_body .= "\n *Double Save Mode ENABLED!\n"; } }else{ $mail_body .= "NONE!(Check your configuration file)\n"; } // hostname ( ip address ) $mail_body .= "\nHost: " . gethostbyaddr($ipaddress); $mail_body .= " ( " . $ipaddress . " )" . "\n"; // add mail footer $mail_body .= "\n\n" . $program_name; $eTime = time() - $sTime; $mail_body .= " (" . $eTime . "sec+)"; // debug mode if($debug){ print $mail_body; $mail=false; } // mail send if($mail){ mailSend(); } // end of script print "OK!\n"; exit; /* ------------------------------------ * mail send with PHPMailer * ------------------------------------*/ function mailSend(){ // init global $mail_addr_to, $mail_subject, $mail_body, $mail_addr_from; global $save_path, $saved_files; if(!$saved_files){ return; } require("PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php"); mb_language("japanese"); mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = "iso-2022-jp"; $mail->Encoding = "7bit"; $mail->AddAddress($mail_addr_to); $mail->From = $mail_addr_from; $mail->FromName = $mail_addr_from; $mail->Subject = $mail_subject; $mail->Body = $mail_body; foreach($saved_files as $file){ $mail->AddAttachment($save_path . $file); } //$mail->FromName = mb_encode_mimeheader(mb_convert_encoding($fromname,"JIS","UTF-8")); //$mail->Subject = mb_encode_mimeheader(mb_convert_encoding($subject,"JIS","UTF-8")); //$mail->Body = mb_convert_encoding($body,"JIS","UTF-8"); $mail->Send(); } /* ------------------------------------ * secure connection * ------------------------------------*/ function getData(){ // init global $url; global $ipaddress, $password; require_once "HTTP/Client.php"; $client =& new HTTP_Client(); $classCookieManager = $client->getCookieManager(); // 1st access, get token $client->get($url); $response = $client->currentResponse(); // get token preg_match( "/name\=\"Token\" value\=\"(.*)\"/", $response['body'], $tokens ); $token = $tokens[1]; // 2nd access, send id, password, token, submit $login_params = array( "ipaddress" => $ipaddress, "password" => $password, "Token" => $token, "Submit" => "index" ); $client->post($url, $login_params); // 3rd access, save resources page data global $get_disk, $get_traffic, $get_cpu; $res = ""; // CPU if($get_cpu){ $res[] = _getData($responce, $client, 'cpu'); } // Traffic if($get_traffic){ $res[] = _getData($responce, $client, 'traffic'); } // DISK if($get_disk){ $res[] = _getData($responce, $client, 'disk'); } // return, saved file name array return $res; } /* ------------------------------------ * Download and save the data * ------------------------------------*/ function _getData($responce, $client, $filename){ // init global $url, $file_date; global $save_path, $get_type, $save_file_date; global $double_save; // download $client->get($url . '/main/graph?type=' . $filename . '&period=' . $get_type); $response = $client->currentResponse(); // save file name if($save_file_date){ if($double_save){ checkAndMkdir($save_path); file_put_contents($save_path . $filename . '.png', $response['body']); } $filename .= '_' . $file_date; } // save checkAndMkdir($save_path); file_put_contents($save_path . $filename . '.png', $response['body']); // return, saved file name return $filename . '.png'; } /* ------------------------------------ * Check and Make DIR * ------------------------------------*/ // add 2013.03.19 Ver.0.0.2 function checkAndMkdir($path){ // check dir if(!is_dir($path)){ // mkdir mkdir($path, 0755, true); } return; } ?>