Xen Error: I need 262144 KiB, but dom0_min_mem is 262144 and shrinking to 262144 KiB would leave only 244672 KiB free.


Error: I need 262144 KiB, but dom0_min_mem is 262144 and shrinking to 262144 KiB would leave only 244672 KiB free.




  1. yan より:

    i dont speak japaniss but i need help with xend. i have the same errror:
    Error: I need 262144 KiB, but dom0_min_mem is 262144 and shrinking to 262144 KiB would leave only 244672 KiB free.

    im yan from cuba.

  2. admin より:

    thank you comment for me 🙂

    the message said “not enough your free memory”.

    xen domain0 need 262144 KiB but your free memory is 244672 KiB.
    not enough 17472KiB.

    you can choice a or b.
    (a) total memory upgrade.
    (b) adjustment usable domain0 memory.

    # I think 768Mb required.
