[UPS] Apcupsd でUPS EPROM 設定変更など

APC SmartUPS1500


$ sudo apctest

※Apcupsd が動作中の場合は、このコマンドを実行する前に、stop しておくこと


1) Query the UPS for all known values
2) Perform a Battery Runtime Calibration
3) Abort Battery Calibration
4) Monitor Battery Calibration progress
5) Program EEPROM
6) Enter TTY mode communicating with UPS
Q) Quit


1) Query the UPS for all known values

UPS に関する既知の値を表示(たぶん)

UPS Status: 0C
Line quality: FF
Reason for last transfer to batteries: O
Self-Test Status: NO
Line Voltage: 089.2
Line Voltage Max: 091.4
Line Voltage Min: 089.2
Output Voltage: 100.0
Batt level percent: 100.0
Batt voltage: 27.27
UPS Load: 033.1
Line freq: 50.00
Runtime left: 0037
UPS Internal temp: 031.9
Dip switch settings: NA
Register 1: 00
Register 2: 00
Register 3: 00
Sensitivity: M
Wakeup delay: 000
Sleep delay: 180
Low transfer voltage: 092
High transfer voltage: 108
Batt charge for return: 90
Alarm status: 0
Low battery shutdown level: 02
UPS Self test interval: 168
UPS manufacture date: 08/26/05
UPS serial number: **********
Date battery replaced: 08/26/05
Output voltage when on batteries: 100
Nominal battery voltage: 024
Percent humidity: NA
Ambient temperature: NA
Firmware revision: 601.12.A
Number of external batteries installed: 000
Number of bad batteries installed: NA
UPS model as defined by UPS: FWA
UPS EPROM capabilities string: u360420E443336168ON OFF
The EPROM string is 286 characters long!
Hours since last self test: NA

2) Perform a Battery Runtime Calibration

これを実行すると、UPS がワザと停電状態にするようで、バッテリのチェックを行えるようだ。

Checking estimated runtime ...
Current runtime is 37 minutes
Checking for battery level ...
Battery level is 100.0 -- OK

The battery calibration should automatically end
when the battery level drops below about 25, depending
on your UPS.

I can also optionally monitor the progress
and stop the calibration if it goes below 10. However,
in the case of a new battery this may prematurely end the
calibration loosing the effect.

Do you want me to stop the calibration
if the battery level goes too low? (y/n):

Sending Battery Calibration command. ...
UPS has initiated battery calibration.
Monitoring the calibration progress ...
To stop the calibration, enter a return.

Battery charge 87
Remaining runtime is 32 minutes
Battery charge 77
Remaining runtime is 29 minutes

User input. Terminating calibration ...

Attempting to abort calibration ...
Response to abort request: OK
On battery 84 sec or 1m24s.

4) Monitor Battery Calibration progress


Monitoring the calibration progress ...
To stop the calibration, enter a return.

Battery Runtime Calibration terminated by UPS.
Checking estimated runtime ...
Remaining runtime is 29 minutes

5) Program EEPROM

UPS に内蔵されているEPROM に関する操作ができるようだ。

This is the EEPROM programming section of apctest.
Please select the function you want to perform.

 1 ) Print EEPROM values
 2 ) Change Battery date
 3 ) Change UPS name
 4 ) Change sensitivity
 5 ) Change alarm delay
 6 ) Change low battery warning delay
 7 ) Change wakeup delay
 8 ) Change shutdown delay
 9 ) Change low transfer voltage
10 ) Change high transfer voltage
11 ) Change battery return threshold percent
12 ) Change output voltage when on batteries
13 ) Change the self test interval
14 ) Set EEPROM with conf file values
 Q ) Quit

1) Print EEPROM values

EPROM に現在設定されいている値と、設定可能な値が表示されるようだ。

Doing prep_device() ...

Valid EEPROM values for the Smart-UPS 1500

 Config        Current  Permitted
Description              Directive     Value    Values
Upper transfer voltage   HITRANSFER    108      108 110 112 114
Lower transfer voltage   LOTRANSFER    92       092 090 088 086
Return threshold         RETURNCHARGE  90       00 15 30 45 60 75 90
Output voltage on batts  OUTPUTVOLTS   100      100
Sensitivity              SENSITIVITY   M        H M L
Low battery warning      LOWBATT       2        02 05 08 11 14 17 20 23
Shutdown grace delay     SLEEP         180      090 180 270 360 450 540 630 000
Alarm delay              BEEPSTATE     0        0 T N
Wakeup delay             WAKEUP        0        000 060 120 180 240 300 360 420
Self test interval       SELFTEST      168      336 168 ON  OFF
Battery date: 08/26/05
UPS Name    : UPS_IDEN

11) Change battery return threshold percent

復電した際にUPS が復帰するために必要な充電量を変更するようだ。この例では 90% 充電されないと復帰されないのを 15% 充電したら復帰するように変更した。

Enter new battery return level: 15

The old UPS return threshold percent is: 90
The new UPS return threshold percent is: 15

